The Career Intelligence Program is a cutting-edge initiative tailored for young graduates entering the competitive job market. With a focus on practical skills and real-world scenarios, this program bridges the gap between academic knowledge and professional success. Our comprehensive curriculum covers every aspect of the career journey, from effective job searching to workplace collaboration.

By participating in this program, you'll gain invaluable insights into the hidden job market, master the art of personal branding, and develop the soft skills crucial for long-term career growth. With 85% of jobs filled through networking, as reported by LinkedIn, our program emphasises the importance of building professional connections and leveraging digital platforms to uncover opportunities.

Sections Unit Outcome
Search for a job ELDIO1 Be able to draw up shortlist the companies and open positions and review own competencies against benchmarks
Prepare to apply ELDIO2 Be able to create a professional CV, cover letter, Linkedin profile and a video profile focused on target jobs/ sectors
Prepare for an interview ELDIO3 Know how to prepare for an interview, what to expect, what to do and avoid in an interview and how to assess how it went
Decide on & Accept a job offer ELDIO4 Know how to evaluate an offer, decide on a job offer and accept or decline it
Ready4Work: Arrange business meetings ELDIO5 Be able to arrange and conduct business meetings and effectively follow up on agreed action points
Ready4Work: Conduct business research ELDIO6 Be able to create a business research brief, conduct research and prepare a video report
Ready4Work: Understand customer needs ELDIO7 Be able to communicate with the customers, observe customer behaviour and respond to customer queries
Ready4Work: Write Business reports ELDIO8 Be able to write business reports and emails and communicate information succinctly and appropriately
Ready4Work: Present & persuade ELDIO9 Be able to plan, design prepare and deliver presentations in a workplace setting
Ready4Work: Collaborate with others ELDI10 Know how to build effective workplace

Search for a Job

The job search process can be daunting, but our program equips you with strategies to navigate it effectively. You'll learn how to conduct targeted research, identify opportunities that align with your skills and career goals, and leverage networking to uncover hidden jobs. Our module emphasises the importance of using professional social media platforms like LinkedIn to build your brand and connect with potential employers.

As part of this module, you'll create a mini-report identifying jobs that meet your criteria and develop a shortlist of target companies and positions. This practical approach ensures you're not just applying randomly, but strategically positioning yourself for roles that align with your long-term aspirations.

Strategic Research

Learn to use advanced search techniques and industry-specific job boards to find relevant opportunities.

Networking Mastery

Develop skills to build and leverage your professional network for job leads and referrals.

LinkedIn Optimisation

Craft a compelling LinkedIn profile and learn to use the platform for job searching and professional networking.

Company Targeting

Identify and research companies that align with your values and career goals for a more focused job search.

Prepare to Apply

Crafting a standout application package is crucial in today's competitive job market. Our "Prepare to Apply" module guides you through creating a professional CV, compelling cover letter, and optimised LinkedIn profile that effectively showcase your skills and experiences. You'll learn the art of tailoring your application materials to specific job descriptions, ensuring that you catch the eye of recruiters and hiring managers.

This module also delves into the importance of personal branding in the digital age. With 93% of recruiters reviewing candidates' social media profiles before making hiring decisions, we'll teach you how to curate a professional online presence that complements your formal application materials.

CV Mastery

Learn to craft a concise, impactful CV that highlights your key achievements and skills. We'll cover modern CV formats, industry-specific tips, and how to pass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Cover Letter Excellence

Master the art of writing persuasive cover letters that complement your CV and address the specific needs of each job application. Learn to showcase your motivation and fit for the role.

LinkedIn Optimisation

Create a compelling LinkedIn profile that attracts recruiters and showcases your professional brand. Learn to use LinkedIn features to stand out in your industry and build valuable connections.

Prepare for an Interview

Securing an interview is a significant milestone in your job search journey, and our program ensures you're well prepared to make a lasting impression. The "Prepare for an Interview" module covers a wide range of interview formats, including behavioural, technical, and case-based interviews. You'll learn techniques to effectively communicate your experiences and skills, handle challenging questions with confidence, and showcase your potential value to the organisation.

Our comprehensive approach includes guidance on non-verbal communication, such as body language and eye contact, which play a crucial role in interview success. Through mock interview scenarios and personalised feedback from our Employability Coaches, you'll refine your interview techniques and boost your confidence.

  Common Interview Types

Behavioural Interviews: Learn to use the STAR method to structure your responses effectively
Technical Interviews: Practice problem-solving and showcasing your technical skills under pressure
Case-Based Interviews: Master the art of analysing business scenarios and presenting solutions

  Key Interview Skills

Active Listening: Develop the ability to understand and respond thoughtfully to interview questions
Storytelling: Learn to craft compelling narratives that highlight your experiences and achievements
Question Asking: Prepare insightful questions that demonstrate your interest and research into the company

  Non-Verbal Communication

Body Language: Understand how to project confidence and engagement through your posture and gestures
ye Contact: Learn the appropriate balance of eye contact to build rapport with your interviewer
Vocal Tone: Practice modulating your voice to convey enthusiasm and professionalism

Decide on & Accept a Job Offer

Receiving a job offer is exciting, but it's crucial to approach this stage with careful consideration. Our "Decide on & Accept a Job Offer" module equips you with the tools to evaluate offers holistically, considering factors beyond just salary. You'll learn to assess company culture, career growth opportunities, work-life balance, and benefits packages to make an informed decision that aligns with your long-term career goals.

A key component of this module is mastering negotiation techniques. With 70% of hiring managers expecting candidates to negotiate, we'll teach you how to confidently discuss your compensation package, ensuring you secure a fair and competitive offer. Through practical exercises and mock scenarios, you'll gain the confidence to navigate this crucial stage of the hiring process.

Offer Evaluation

Learn to analyse job offers comprehensively, considering salary, benefits, company culture, and growth opportunities. Develop a framework for comparing multiple offers objectively

Negotiation Strategies

Master the art of salary negotiation, including researching market rates, timing your discussions, and presenting your value proposition effectively.

Decision-Making Tools

Utilise decision-making frameworks to weigh the pros and cons of each offer, ensuring your choice aligns with your career aspirations and personal values.

Professional Communication

Learn how to communicate your decision professionally, whether accepting, declining, or requesting more time to consider an offer.

Arrange Business Meetings

Effective meeting management is a crucial skill in any professional setting. Our "Arrange Business Meetings" module teaches you how to plan, conduct, and follow up on meetings efficiently. You'll learn to create clear agendas, manage meeting logistics, and ensure productive outcomes. This module emphasises the importance of time management and clear communication, skills that are essential for success in any role.

Through practical exercises, you'll gain hands-on experience in creating meeting agendas and facilitating discussions. You'll also learn how to handle common meeting challenges, such as keeping discussions on track and managing conflicting opinions. By mastering these skills, you'll be well-prepared to contribute to and lead effective meetings in your future career.

Pre-Meeting Planning

Learn to set clear objectives, create comprehensive agendas, and prepare necessary materials for effective meetings.

Meeting Facilitation

Develop skills to lead discussions, encourage participation, and manage time effectively during meetings.

Post-Meeting Actions

Master the art of summarising key points, assigning action items, and following up to ensure meeting outcomes are implemented.

Virtual Meeting Mastery

Gain expertise in arranging and conducting online meetings, including mastering virtual collaboration tools.

Conduct Business Research

In today's data-driven business environment, the ability to conduct thorough and insightful research is invaluable. Our "Conduct Business Research" module equips you with the skills to gather, analyse, and present business-related data effectively. You'll learn how to create comprehensive research briefs, employ various data collection techniques, and use research findings to inform strategic business decisions.

This module covers both quantitative and qualitative research methods, teaching you how to choose the most appropriate approach for different business scenarios. You'll also gain experience in data visualisation and presentation, ensuring that your research insights are communicated clearly and persuasively to stakeholders.

Define Research Objectives

Learn to identify key business questions and formulate clear research objectives.

Data Collection

Master various data collection methods, including surveys, interviews, and secondary research.

Data Analysis

Develop skills in both quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques.

Presentation of Findings

Learn to create compelling reports and presentations that effectively communicate research insights.

Understand Customer Needs

Understanding and meeting customer needs is at the heart of business success. Our "Understand Customer Needs" module emphasises the importance of customer-centric thinking and effective communication. You'll learn techniques for active listening, empathy, and problem-solving that will enable you to identify and address customer needs efficiently.

This module covers various aspects of customer interaction, from handling inquiries and complaints to proactively anticipating customer needs. You'll practice analysing customer scenarios, identifying pain points, and developing solutions that enhance customer satisfaction. By mastering these skills, you'll be well-prepared for roles that involve direct customer interaction or require a deep understanding of customer behaviour for strategic decision-making.

Active Listening

Develop skills to truly hear and understand customer concerns and feedback.


Learn to put yourself in the customer's shoes to better understand their perspective and needs.


Master techniques for identifying and addressing customer issues effectively.

Data Analysis

Utilise customer data to gain insights and improve service delivery.

Write Business Reports

Clear and concise business writing is a fundamental skill in the professional world. Our "Write Business Reports" module teaches you how to craft reports that effectively communicate complex information to various stakeholders. You'll learn about different types of business reports, from brief memos to comprehensive analytical reports, and understand when to use each format.

This module covers the entire report writing process, from planning and research to drafting, editing, and formatting. You'll gain experience in structuring your thoughts logically, using data to support your arguments, and presenting recommendations clearly. By the end of this module, you'll be able to produce professional-quality reports that inform and influence decision-makers in any business context.

Report Type Purpose Key Elements
Analytical Report In-depth analysis of a business issue Executive summary, methodology, findings, recommendations
Informational Report Provide factual information Clear structure, data presentation, concise language
Progress Report Update on ongoing projects Milestones achieved, challenges, next steps
Proposal Suggest a course of action Problem statement, proposed solution, cost-benefit analysis

Present & Persuade

The ability to present information effectively and persuade an audience is a valuable skill in any professional setting. Our "Present & Persuade" module focuses on developing your public speaking and presentation skills, enabling you to communicate your ideas with confidence and impact. You'll learn how to structure presentations, use visual aids effectively, and deliver your message in a compelling manner.

This module covers various presentation scenarios, from formal boardroom presentations to impromptu pitches. You'll gain experience in crafting persuasive arguments, handling Q&A sessions, and adapting your presentation style to different audiences. Through practical exercises and video recordings, you'll refine your presentation skills and build the confidence to engage any audience effectively.

  Presentation Structure

Learn to create a compelling narrative arc for your presentations, including a strong opening, clear main points, and a memorable conclusion.

  Visual Aid Mastery

Discover how to design and use visual aids that enhance your message without overwhelming your audience. Master the art of creating clear, impactful slides and graphics.

  Delivery Techniques

Develop skills in voice modulation, body language, and audience engagement to deliver your presentations with confidence and charisma.

Collaborate with Others

In today's interconnected business world, the ability to collaborate effectively is crucial for career success. Our "Collaborate with Others" module focuses on developing your teamwork and interpersonal skills, preparing you to contribute positively to any work environment. You'll learn strategies for building strong professional relationships, communicating effectively within a team, and navigating diverse workplace dynamics.

This module covers various aspects of collaboration, including conflict resolution, giving and receiving feedback, and fostering a positive team culture. Through practical exercises and reflective activities, you'll gain insights into your collaboration style and learn how to adapt to different team dynamics. By mastering these skills, you'll be well prepared to thrive in team-oriented work environments and contribute to organisational success.

Building Professional Relationships

Learn techniques for networking, building rapport, and maintaining professional connections.

Effective Team Communication

Develop skills in active listening, clear articulation of ideas, and fostering open dialogue within teams.

Conflict Resolution

Master strategies for addressing and resolving conflicts constructively, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.