In today's globalised business landscape, cultural intelligence is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity. According to Harvard Business Review, teams with high cultural intelligence consistently outperform their peers in innovation and overall results. Our program is designed to give you the competitive edge you need to succeed in diverse, multicultural environments.

By developing your cultural intelligence, you'll not only enhance your personal growth but also contribute significantly to your organisation's success. You'll learn to navigate complex cross-cultural situations with ease, fostering stronger relationships and driving better outcomes in your professional life.

Sections Unit Outcome
Accept differences ELDIO1 Understand what culture is and what role does it play in global work
Understand the differences ELDIO2 Know about the models of culture and be able to avoid stereotypes
Be respectful ELDIO3 Understand the 'power difference' and how it works in different cultures and be able to tailor behavior accordingly
Communicate ELDIO4 Understand 'high context' and 'low context' communication and be able to adjust communication styles
Understand decision-making ELDIO5 Understand the difference between 'individualistic and 'collectivist' decision-making and follow appropriate strategies for persuasion
Learn to disagree ELDIO6 Understand how to disagree in a culturally sensitive way & provide appropriate feedback
Develop trust ELDIO7 Understand how trust develops in different cultures and be able to build networks of trust across cultures
Understand time ELDIO8 Understand the concept of time in different cultures and learn to apply this appropriately
Deal with uncertainty ELDIO9 Understand how different cultures deal with uncertainty and adapt appropriately
Be Culture Smart ELDI10 Be able to develop an inclusive working style and know about the three 'capitals' of global work

Accept Differences: The Foundation of Cultural Intelligence

The journey to cultural intelligence begins with accepting and appreciating differences. This module introduces you to the concept of culture and its profound impact on individual and group behaviour. You'll learn that true cultural intelligence goes beyond mere tolerance—it's about genuinely valuing the rich tapestry of diversity that each culture brings to the table.

With 75% of employees believing digital collaboration is crucial for their success, as per a Deloitte survey, this module is essential for your professional toolkit. You'll learn how to navigate these platforms, communicate effectively with team members, and manage projects in a digital space.

  What's more important—personality or culture?

This thought-provoking activity encourages you to reflect on the interplay between individual personality traits and cultural influences. You'll explore how cultural factors can shape personality expression and vice versa, gaining insights into the complex dynamics of human behaviour in diverse settings.

  The impact of cultural acceptance on organisational success

Delve into real-world case studies that demonstrate how companies embracing cultural diversity outperform their less diverse counterparts. You'll analyse the strategies these organisations use to foster an inclusive environment and how this translates into tangible business success.

  Overcoming unconscious biases

Learn about the hidden biases we all carry and how they can impact our interactions with people from different cultures. Discover practical techniques to identify and overcome these biases, paving the way for more authentic and respectful cross-cultural relationships.

Understanding Cultural Differences: Frameworks and Models

To navigate the complex landscape of cultural differences, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of established cultural models and frameworks. This module introduces you to key concepts such as Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and the Lewis Model, providing you with powerful tools to analyse and interpret cultural variations in work styles, communication patterns, and management practices.

By mastering these frameworks, you'll develop the ability to anticipate potential cultural challenges and adapt your approach accordingly, ensuring smoother interactions and more effective collaboration in diverse settings.

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

Explore the six dimensions of national culture, including power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, and long-term orientation. Learn how these dimensions impact workplace dynamics and decision-making processes.

The Lewis Model

Dive into the Linear-Active, Multi-Active, and Reactive cultural types. Understand how these categories influence communication styles, time management, and relationship-building across cultures.

Trompenaars' Model of National Culture Differences

Examine the seven dimensions of culture, including universalism vs. particularism and achievement vs. ascription. Apply these concepts to real-world business scenarios to enhance your cultural adaptability.


Analyse the findings of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness research program. Gain insights into how cultural values affect leadership styles and organisational practices worldwide.

Be Respectful: Navigating Power Distance in Global Contexts

Understanding and respecting power dynamics across cultures is crucial for effective cross-cultural interactions. This module delves deep into the concept of "power distance," a key cultural dimension that significantly influences workplace hierarchies, communication styles, and decision-making processes. You'll learn how power distance varies between cultures and how to navigate these differences with sensitivity and respect.

Through case studies and interactive exercises, you'll develop the skills to show respect in culturally appropriate ways, fostering mutual understanding and facilitating smooth collaboration in diverse teams.

High Power Distance Cultures

- Hierarchical structures are respected and expected
- Decision-making is centralis
- Formal communication styles are preferred
- Examples: China, India, Arab countries

Low Power Distance Cultures

- Flatter organisational structures
- Participative decision-making
- Informal communication is common
- Examples: Scandinavian countries, New Zealand

Strategies for Respect

- Observe local customs and etiquette
- Adapt your communication style
- Be mindful of titles and status
- Show appreciation for cultural differences

Effective Cross-Cultural Communication: HighContext vs Low-Context

Mastering the art of cross-cultural communication is essential for success in today's global workplace. This module focuses on the critical distinction between high-context and low-context communication styles, providing you with the tools to navigate these differences effectively. You'll learn how to recognize and adapt to various communication norms, ensuring your message is understood as intended across cultural boundaries.

Through practical exercises and real-world scenarios, you'll develop the flexibility to switch between communication styles, minimizing misunderstandings and building stronger relationships with colleagues, clients, and partners from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Aspect High-Context Communication Low-Context Communication
Message Delivery Implicit, relies on context Explicit, direct
Non-verbal Cues Highly important Less emphasis
Relationship Building Essential before business Can be developed alongside business
Time Orientation Polychronic (multiple tasks) Monochronic (one task at a time)
Example Cultures Japan, China, Arab countries USA, Germany, Scandinavian countrie

Adapting to Cultural Differences: Flexibility in Action

The ability to adapt to various cultural contexts is a hallmark of high cultural intelligence. This module equips you with practical strategies to adjust your behaviour and communication style based on the cultural environment you're in. You'll learn the importance of keen observation, interpretation of cultural cues, and the flexibility to modify your approach for successful cross-cultural interactions.

Through immersive role-play exercises and case studies, you'll practice the art of cultural adaptation, developing the confidence to navigate diverse cultural landscapes with ease and professionalism.


Develop keen awareness of cultural norms, behaviours, and expectations in different environments.


Interpret cultural cues and understand the underlying values and beliefs driving behaviours.


Adjust your communication style, body language, and approach to align with the cultural context.


Continuously evaluate your interactions and refine your adaptation strategies for future encounters.

Handling Cultural Conflicts: Resolution Strategies

Cultural misunderstandings can often lead to conflicts in multicultural environments. This module focuses on equipping you with effective strategies to manage and resolve conflicts arising from cultural differences. You'll explore various conflict resolution styles influenced by cultural backgrounds and learn how to address cultural conflicts in a way that respects all parties involved while promoting a harmonious working environment.

Through in-depth case studies and interactive conflict resolution simulations, you'll develop the skills to navigate complex cultural conflicts with sensitivity and professionalism, turning potential misunderstandings into opportunities for growth and improved cross-cultural collaboration.

Collaborative Approach

Learn to find win-win solutions that respect all cultural perspectives involved in the conflict.

Active Listening

Develop skills to truly understand different cultural viewpoints without judgement.

Cultural Bridging

Discover techniques to find common ground and build understanding between conflicting parties.

Mediation Skills

Master the art of neutral facilitation to guide parties towards mutually acceptable resolutions.

Building Cross-Cultural Relationships: Trust and Empathy

The ability to forge strong relationships across cultural boundaries is a crucial skill in today's interconnected world. This module focuses on the art of building and nurturing cross-cultural relationships, emphasizing the importance of trust, empathy, and cultural sensitivity. You'll learn how to establish rapport, demonstrate genuine interest in other cultures, and create lasting connections with colleagues, clients, and partners from diverse backgrounds.

Through interactive workshops and real-world scenarios, you'll develop strategies for overcoming cultural barriers, fostering mutual respect, and creating an environment of open communication and collaboration.

  1. Initial Contact

    Learn culturally appropriate greetings and introductions. Practice active listening and showing genuine interest in others' backgrounds.

  2. Building Rapport

    Develop skills in finding common ground and shared interests across cultures. Explore the role of small talk and social interactions in different cultural contexts.

  3. Deepening Trust

    Deepening TrustMaster the art of keeping commitments and demonstrating reliability across cultural expectations. Learn to navigate different cultural approaches to time and deadlines.

  4. Maintaining Relationships

    Discover strategies for long-term relationship nurturing, including appropriate follow-up practices and cultural considerations for ongoing communication.


Leading in a Multicultural Environment: Inclusive Leadership

Effective leadership in today's global workplace requires a unique set of skills to manage and inspire diverse teams. This module prepares you for leadership roles in multicultural environments, focusing on inclusive and transformational leadership styles. You'll learn strategies for motivating team members from various cultural backgrounds, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.

Through case studies of successful global leaders and hands-on leadership simulations, you'll develop the skills to create an inclusive team culture that leverages diversity for innovation and superior performance.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

Develop your ability to relate and work effectively across cultures, enhancing your leadership effectiveness in diverse teams.

Inclusive Decision-Making

Learn techniques to ensure all team members, regardless of cultural background, contribute to and feel ownership of team decisions.

Cross-Cultural Motivation

Explore different cultural perspectives on motivation and develop strategies to inspire team members from diverse backgrounds.

Global Mindset

Cultivate a leadership perspective that balances global standardisation with local customisation in team practices and strategies.

Cultural Negotiation: Bridging Differences for Mutual Gain

Negotiating across cultural boundaries presents unique challenges and opportunities. This module focuses on the intricacies of cultural negotiation, teaching you how to navigate diverse negotiation styles influenced by cultural factors such as time orientation, risk tolerance, and hierarchical expectations. You'll learn strategies for preparing and conducting negotiations that respect cultural differences while achieving mutually beneficial outcomes.

Through immersive negotiation simulations and analysis of international case studies, you'll develop the skills to become a culturally intelligent negotiator, capable of closing deals and resolving conflicts in global business contexts.

  Understanding Cultural Approaches to Time in Negotiations

Explore how different cultures perceive time and deadlines in negotiations. Learn to navigate between monochronic (linear time) and polychronic (flexible time) approaches to achieve successful outcomes.

  Non-verbal Communication in Cross-Cultural Negotiations

Discover the importance of gestures, facial expressions, and personal space in different cultural contexts. Develop awareness of potential misunderstandings and learn to adapt your non-verbal cues accordingly.

  Building Relationships vs. Closing Deals

Understand the varying emphasis cultures place on relationship-building versus task completion in negotiations. Learn strategies to balance these approaches for optimal results in diverse settings.

Fostering Cultural Inclusion: Creating a Welcoming Environment

Creating an inclusive environment that celebrates cultural diversity is crucial for organisational success in the global marketplace. This module teaches you how to foster cultural inclusion, promoting a workplace where all employees feel valued and empowered, regardless of their cultural background. You'll learn about the tangible benefits of cultural inclusion for innovation, employee engagement, and overall organisational performance.

Through interactive workshops and real-world case studies, you'll develop practical skills to implement inclusive policies and practices, creating a workplace that thrives on diversity and drives success through cultural intelligence.

Collaborative Innovation

Diverse teams generate 19% more revenue through innovation. Learn to facilitate inclusive brainstorming sessions that leverage diverse perspectives.

Inclusive Mentoring

Discover how to implement cross cultural mentoring programs that foster knowledge sharing and career development across diverse groups.

Cultural Celebrations

Learn to organise events that celebrate diverse cultural traditions, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual appreciation among team members.